Certain Characteristics of Nickel-Containing and Copper-Containing Oxideframe0Phosphate Layers on Ti
21.10.2009 г.

Certain Characteristics of Nickel-Containing and Copper-Containing Oxideframe0Phosphate Layers on Titanium

V. S. Rudneva, M. S. Vasil’evab, A. Yu. Ustinova, and P. M. Nedozorova


a Institute of Chemistry, Far East Division, Russian Academy of Sciences,
pr. Stoletiya Vladivostoka 159, Vladivostok, 690022 Russia

b Institute of Chemistry and Applied Ecology, Far East State University, ul. Sukhanova 8, Vladivostok, 690095 Russia

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Received January 28, 2008


Abstract — The oxide–phosphate layers on titanium are formed by plasma–electrolytic oxidation in aqueous electrolytes with polyphosphate complexes of Ni(II) and Cu(II). The obtained coatings are investigated by Xframe1ray photoelectron spectroscopy and X-ray spectral analysis. A nonuniform distribution of elements over the thickness of coatings is established; they are characterized by an insignificant titanium content on the surface, concentrated copper in the surface layer, and the presence of carbon. It is shown that the obtained compositions film/Ti manifest a certain catalytic activity in the oxidation of CO to CO2.

PACS numbers: 82.45.Cc

DOI: 10.1134/S207020510905013X