Metalframe0Oxide Heterophase Structures Formed at Low Temperature Activation of Iron. 2. IR Spectros
03.09.2008 г.

Metalframe0Oxide Heterophase Structures Formed at Low Temperature Activation of Iron. 2. IR Spectroscopy

V. A. Kotenev, N. P. Sokolova, A. M. Gorbunov, and A. Yu. Tsivadze


Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Leninskii pr. 31, Moscow, 119991 Russia

Received April 20, 2007


Abstract — Low-temperature activation of iron is observed during its isothermal oxidation at a temperature of 300frame1frame2 and an oxygen pressure of 10frame32 Torr. A 1-h treatment provides the maximum gain in the oxide layer thickness for this oxygen pressure. According to IR spectroscopic data, the amount of Fframe43O4 in the oxide reaches the maximum in the oxygen pressure interval from 10frame53 to 10frame62 Torr and decreases with a further increase in the oxygen pressure. In contrast, the haematite content increases with an increase in the oxygen pressure. In the latter case, first, the content of the -Fframe72frame83 phase increases to reach its maximum at pressures from  5 10frame93 to 10frame102 Torr, while the phase of haematite -Fframe112frame123 appears at 0.1 Torr. This confirms the earlier assumption that the haematite islets layer plays the decisive roles in the low-temperature activation and the active–passive transition of iron.

PACS numbers: 81.07.-b

DOI: 10.1134/S0033173207060082