Protection of Carbon Steels against Atmospheric Corrosion in a Wet Tropical Climate Using Gas-Plasma
24.11.2008 г.

Protection of Carbon Steels against Atmospheric Corrosion in a Wet Tropical Climate Using Gas-Plasma Metallization with Aluminum

R. A. Tupikova, Yu. G. Dragunova, I. L. Kharinab, and D. S. Zmienkob


a FSUE OKB Gidropress, ul. Ordzhonikidze 21, Podol’sk, Moscow oblast, 142103 Russia

b SRC RF NPO TsNIITMASh, ul. Sharikopodsipnikovskaya 4, Moscow, 115088 Russia

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Received June 20, 2007


Abstract — Results of testing for resistance to atmospheric corrosion in a humid-tropical climate (in experimental chambers and under outdoor conditions) have been performed for templates of ribbed pipes made of a carbon steel with various types of anticorrosion (paint, diffusional, metallic) coatings. An optimum type of coating has been deter-mined, its properties have been investigated, and the optimum thickness was found that proved to be good at corrosion resistance in ribbed pipes and allowed for the specificity of structural and service features of the equipment to be protected.


DOI: 10.1134/S0033173208070059