Evolution of the Structures and Sorption Properties of Dehydrochlorinated Chloropolymers during Thei
19.08.2009 г.

Evolution of the Structures and Sorption Properties of Dehydrochlorinated Chloropolymers during Their Thermal Conversions

Yu. G. Kryazhev, V. S. Solodovnichenko, N. V. Antonicheva, T. I. Gulyaeva, V. A. Drozdov, and V. A. Likholobov


Omsk Scientific Center, Siberian Division, Russian Academy of Sciences, Omsk, Russia

Institute of Problems of Hydrocarbon Processing, Siberian Division, Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. Neftezavodskaya 54,  Omsk, 644040 Russia

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Received June 5, 2008

Abstract — A microporous carbon material can be obtained by dehydrochlorination of the polymeric formulation poly(vinyl chloride)–poly(vinylidene chloride) in the presence of KOH followed by thermal treatment at a relatively low temperature (350°C in a nitrogen–oxygen gas mixture (10 : 1 w/w)). This is because the chemical dehydrochlorination gives highly reactive chloro-containing polyconjugate systems. The conversion of chloropolyene systems into carbon structures is confirmed by Raman spectroscopy and TGA with MS analysis of volatile pyrolysis products. The resulting carbon material has a system of pores including ultramicropores 6.50.5Å), micropores (16 1 Å), and mesopores (average pore size 150 7 Å).

PACS: 68.43-h


DOI: 10.1134/S2070205109040030