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(11/10) Ученые из ИФХЭ РАН и МГУ под руководством Ольги Виноградовой поняли, как «полосатая» гидрофобность..
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(11/10) Ученые обнаружили пути проникновения вирусов гриппа и ВИЧ в организм
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(17/04) Курс “Анализ геномных данных”, Москва, 2 – 11 июля 2012
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Results 11 - 20 of 21

Electrodeposition of Composite Chromium Coatings from Cr(III) Sulfateframe0Oxalate Solution Suspensions Containing Al2O3, SiC, Nb2N, and Ta2N Particles

N. A. Polyakov, Yu. M. Polukarov, and V. N. Kudryavtsev*


Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninskii pr. 31, Moscow, 119991 Russia

* Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Miusskaya pl. 9, A-47, Moscow, 125047 Russia

e-maol: grottopna@ mail.ru

Received November 1, 2008


Abstract — The effect of concentration and nature of particles (dielectric Al2O3, broadband semiconducive SiC, and conductive Nb2N and Ta2N) on the adhesion of particles to the surface of coatings and the composition of electrochemical composite coatings deposited from Cr(III) sulfate–oxalate solution suspensions of various concentrations is studied. Adding particles of any nature to the solution does not affect the character of the formation of an Xframe1ray amorphous chromium matrix and the content of hydrogen in the coating. The mechanisms of inclusion of Al2O3, SiC, Nb2N + Ta2N particles in chromium layers are different. In the former case (Al2O3 and SiC), the inclusion of particles is determined by kinetic factors (in the absence of current, there is no adhesion of particles), while, in the latter case, the particles demonstrate a strong adhesion in the absence of current. Accordingly, the distribution of SiC and Al2O3 particles depends on the depth by contrast to Nb2N and Ta2N particles, whose concentrations close to the substrate do not noticeably differ from those in the bulk and surface layers of the coating. An increase in the temperature of solution promotes the codeposition of chromium and these particles.


DOI: 10.1134/S2070205110010119
18/03/2010 | 821 Hits | Print


Electrochemical Properties of frame0-Fe + Fe3C Nanocrystalline Composites in Acidic Environments

A. V. Syugaeva, S. F. Lomaevaa, and S. M. Reshetnikovb


a Physical-Technical Institute, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. Kirova 132, Izhevsk, Udmurtia, 426000 Russia

e-maol: uds@pti. udm. ru

b Udmurt State University, ul. Universitetskaya 1, Izhevsk, Udmurtia, 426034 Russia

e-maol: chi@ani. udm. ru

Received January 28, 2008


Abstract — Regularities of the physicochemical behavior of -Fe + Fe3C nanocomposites in a concentration range of ementite from 9 to 92 wt % in sulfate and chloride solutions are studied. Nanocrystalline state (~40 nm) is found to ntensify the active dissolution of -Fe + Fe3C alloys and not noticeably affect the hydrogen evolution in acidic envionments. With an increase in the cementite content or when it forms a reticular structure, the catalytic activity of -e + Fe3C nanocrystalline composites with respect to the hydrogen evolution increases. Cementite manifests a higher verpotential of dissolution in both sulfate and chloride solutions.

DOI: 10.1134/S2070205110010120
18/03/2010 | 718 Hits | Print


Adsorption of Formaldehyde from Gaseous Phase by Thermally Activated Nanoporous Celite1

N. A. Khodosovaa, L. I. Belchinskayaa, G. A. Petukhovaa,b, and O. V. Voishchevaa

aVoronezh State Academy of Forestry Engineering, 8 Timiryazeva ul., Voronezh,

394084 Russia

bFrumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences,

31 Leninskii pr., Moscow, 117071 Russia

e-mails: * This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it ; ** This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Received February 25, 2009

Abstract — An investigation of the adsorption of gaseous formaldehyde in mixtures with aqueous vapor from atmosphere using natural celite klinoptilotit is reported. Samples from different mining sites were characterized by structural and elemental analyses; the adsorption efficiency was studied by means of spectroscopy and derivatography methods of analysis. The strong dependence of preliminary thermal treatment on sorbent capacity was detected.

DOI: 10.1134/S2070205110010132
18/03/2010 | 794 Hits | Print


Activation of Thermal Processes in Mixtures of Some Vanadium Compounds with LiOH as a Result of Plastic Deformation under High Pressure

V. A. Zhorina, M. R. Kiselevb, T. P. Puryaevab, and S. E. Smirnovc


a Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

b Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

c Moscow Power Institute, Moscow, Russia

e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Received December 19, 2008


Abstract — V2O5, V2O3, HVO3, and mixtures of these compounds with 15% LiOH were subjected to plastic deforation at a pressure of 2 GPa and room temperature on high-pressure testing machines of the type of Bridgman anvils. he investigation of the samples was performed using differential scanning calorimetry, thermogravimetry, and X-ray iffraction analysis. The presence of LiOH in the mixtures decreased the thermal stability of vanadium compounds. uring plastic deformation the LiV3O8 phase was formed in mixtures, the amount of which increased with heating the amples to 200C. It is assumed that the ions that form by treatment under pressure can affect the structure formation rocesses in mix samples.

DOI: 10.1134/S2070205110010144
18/03/2010 | 712 Hits | Print


High-Temperature Oxidation of Low-Alloyed Steel under Glass Coatings1

K. Yu. Frolenkov, L. Yu. Frolenkova, and I. F. Shadrin


Orel State Technical University, Naugorskoe sh. 29, Orel, 302020 Russia

e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Received April 5, 2008


Abstract — Some peculiarities of the time and temperature dependences of the high-temperature oxidation of a low-alloyed low-carbon steel covered with a glass coating are studied. The dependences characterizing the oxidation of steel without coating and that covered with it are found to have a similar character. Based on the data obtained, it is supposed that, at low temperatures, the prevailing mechanism involves the penetration of oxygen toward the metal surface through macro- and micropores of the coating, while, at high temperatures, the oxidation, which seems to be related to the electrochemical corrosion of the surface under a glass melt, becomes predominant.

DOI: 10.1134/S2070205110010156
18/03/2010 | 703 Hits | Print


Electrochemical Synthesis of Polypyrrole on Aluminium in Different Anions and Corrosion Protection of Aluminium1

S. Zora, F. Kandemirlia, E. Yakara, and T. Arslanb

aKocaeli University Science & Art Faculty, Chemistry Department, 41380 Kocaeli, Turkey

bEskisehir Osmangazi University, Science&Art Faculty, Chemistry Department, 26480, Eskisehir,


e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it , This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Received August 26, 2008


Abstract — In this study, polypyrrole was deposited on the aluminium in different anions (Cframe0 Nframe1 Crframe2 DBS). The contribution of anions to formation of polypyrrole film was investigated by using cyclic voltammetry (CV) technique. The effect of polypyrrole film on the corrosion of aluminium was searched in 0.1 M HCI solution by using potentiostatic method. For this purpose, polarization curves were obtained, corrosion current density (icorr), corrosion potential (Ecorr), polarization resistance (Rp) were determined from the polarization curves. Moreover, the percent efficiency of coating was calculated. The complexes of pyrrole pentamers and different anions (Cframe3 Nframe4 Crframe5 DBS) were studied using ab initio quantum chemical at the Hartree-Fock (HF) levels with STO-3G, 3-21G, 6-31G(d,p) [13] basis sets and HOMO-LUMO energy gap is calculated by B3LYP method with 3-21G* and 6-31G(d,p) basis sets. The polypyrrole film obtained in Crframe6 anion is determined to be the most effective in prevention to pitting corrosion of aluminium as experimental and theoretical.

DOI: 10.1134/S2070205110010168
18/03/2010 | 646 Hits | Print


Electrodeposition and Mechanical Properties of Niframe0Wframe1B Composites from Tartrate Bath1

M. G. Hosseinia, M. Abdolmalekib, and S. A. Seyed Sadjadib


aElectrochemistry Research Laboratory, Department of Physical Chemistry, Chemistry Faculty, University of Tabriz, Iran

bDepartment of Chemistry, IUST University, Tehran, Iran

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Received October 29, 2007


Abstract — Electrodeposition of Ni–W–B alloys from plating baths containing tartrate in the absence of ammonia is studied. Detailed studies on the effects of bath temperature, pH, cathode current density and plating time have led to optimum operational conditions for obtaining satisfactory alloy deposits. The operational conditions for deposition the alloy with high hardness are; current density 30 mA cm–2, pH 6.0 and bath temperature of 60C. The results have shown that the adherence of Ni–W–B is better than the Ni and Chromium on Cu substrate. It adheres to Cu substrates better than electrodeposited Ni and chromium. The morphology of the depos-
its was studied by SEM and the analysis of composition performed by EDX and inductively coupled plasma (ICP). The as-deposited alloy contained 21.66 wt % W and the highest cathode current efficiency for deposition of the alloy was about 38%. The deposit obtained under these conditions had an amorphous character with a hardness of about 800 HV, which is comparable to the hardness of chromium, occurred at a heat treatment temperature of 400C. When heat treated up to this temperature, the initial metastable structure decomposed into fine particles of Ni4W in a nickel solid solution.


DOI: 10.1134/S207020511001017X
18/03/2010 | 714 Hits | Print


Residual Protective Effect of O-Oxyazomethine Derivatives against Iron Corrosion in 1 M Hframe0SOframe1 Solution

V. P. Grigor’ev, S. P. Shpan’ko, V. V. Boginskaya, and E. V. Plekhanova


Southern Federal University, ul. Zorge 7, Rostov-on-Don, 344090 Russia

e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Received October 30, 2008


Abstract — The residual protective effect of n-component mixtures of o-oxyazomethine derivatives at the corrosion of iron in 1 M H2SO4 decreases with time and an increase in temperature of the environment and increases with an increase in the polarity of substituent groups in the molecules and the inhibitor concentration in the solution. These regularities are interpreted based on the principle of the linear free-energy relation.


DOI: 10.1134/S2070205110010181
18/03/2010 | 696 Hits | Print


Relation between Kinetic Regularities of the Inhibition of Aluminum Corrosion with Metal Salts and the Formation of Contact Deposits on the Aluminum Surface in Chloride Electrolytes

O. I. Bartenevaa and V. V. Bartenevb


a Institute of Physical and Organic Chemistry, pr. Stachki 194/3, Rostov-on-Don, 344104 Russia

b Southern Federal University, ul. Zorge 7, Rostov-on-Don, 344090 Russia

e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Received April 9, 2008


Abstract — Under contact-exchange conditions at high metal depolarization, the regularities of the inhibition of aluminum corrosion in hydrochloric electrolytes containing tin and cadmium chlorides or their equimolar mixture are studied. For the inhibiting composition, the mutual effect of the components is estimated taking into account the actual component contents in the contact deposit, which was determined with the use of atomic absorption spectroscopy.

DOI: 10.1134/S2070205110010193
18/03/2010 | 786 Hits | Print


The Effect of Alcohol on the Passivation of Al Alloys in 1 N H2SO4 Solution

A. Büyüksa


Afyon Kocatepe University Science and Art Faculty, Afyonkarahisar, TURKEY

e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Received December 24, 2007


Abstract — In this study, the influence of different alcohol on the passivation of aluminium alloys have been investigated by using current-potential curves. Experimental results show that the addition of alcohol in H2SO4 solution have been changed passivation potential distance of the alloys. Elemental compositions of alloys have also directly affected passivation of alloys. This influence is more effective especially in alloys content higher Si also and less Cu.


DOI: 10.1134/S207020511001020X
18/03/2010 | 788 Hits | Print


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