The Effect of Sorbed Hydrogen on the Kinetics of Active Dissolution of Iron A. I. Marshakov, A. A. Rybkina, and T. A. Nenasheva Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninskii pr. 31, Moscow, 119991 Russia E-mail:
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Received November 8, 2005 Abstract — The effect of hydrogen adsorbed or absorbed by iron (0.009% C) on the iron dissolution is studied on a bipolar electrode-membrane in 0.5 M S solutions (pH 1.30) by cyclic potential pulses. Expressions that allow one to calculate the hydrogen coverage on the iron surface () as a function of the potential variation in a cyclic stepwise manner and also the hydrogen concentration in the near-surface metal layer (C) as a func-tion of variations in the intensity of the diffusion flow of hydrogen atoms in the membrane are given. The method of cyclic potential pulses together with the analysis of solutions for metal ions shows that the iron dis-solution rate substantially decreases as increases. A bipolar electrode-membrane allowed the determination of the C intervals corresponding to the inhibition of iron dissolution (at C < Cc 3 10–8 g-at/cm3), the activating effect of hydrogen absorbed by the metal on the anodic process (for C > Cc), and the metal destruction (for C >> Cc). The absorbed hydrogen is assumed to accelerate the ionization of iron due to the formation of new dissolution sites as a result of plastic deformations of the metal. Thus, the effects of two forms of sorbed hydrogen on the iron dissolution are separated. DOI: 10.1134/S0033173207070016
03/09/2008 | 1107 Hits | Print
Atmospheric Corrosion in Tropical and Subtropical Climate Zones: 3. Modeling Corrosion and DoseResponse Function for Structural Metals1 A. A. Mikhailov, P. V. Strekalov*, and Yu. M. Panchenko Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninskii pr. 31, Moscow, 119991 Russia *E-mail:
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Received December 15, 2005 Abstract — The results of statistical analysis of a corrosion–climate database are presented. New dose–response functions have been obtained by methods of multiple and nonlinear analysis for evaluating corrosion-related weight losses of structural metals in the regions with humid tropical and subtropical climate. DOI: 10.1134/S0033173207070028
03/09/2008 | 1104 Hits | Print
Various Forms of Adsorbed Hydrogen and Their Role in the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction and Hydrogenation of Metallic Phases in Electrolyte Solutions V. I. Vigdorovich and L. E. Tsygankova Tambov State University, Tambov, Russia E-mail:
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Received August 9, 2006 Abstract — Literature data have been considered and generalized which indicate the existence of several forms of adsorbed hydrogen on Fe, Pt, Pd, Ir, and Rh, including two oversurface and one subsurface species, whose properties differ substantially. It has been shown that, from the viewpoint of the existence of such forms of Hads and their mutual transitions into one another, a whole number of experimental data on corrosion and metal hydrogenation in electrolytic solutions can be interpreted satisfactorily. DOI: 10.1134/S003317320707003X
03/09/2008 | 1242 Hits | Print
The Corrosion of Welded Joints of 16GS + 08Kh13 Bimetal, Made of the Specimens Cut out from a Column after the Long-Term Operation V. A. Kachanova, Yu. B. Danilova, T. E. Shepila, E. K. Gvozdikova, V. Yu. Kozina, A. I. Kabashnyia, S. M. Ivanunaa, K. A. Yushchenkob, L. V. Chekotilob, and A. V. Bulatb a OAO “UkrNIIkhimmash,” Kharkov (Ukraine) b Paton Institute of Electric Welding, Kiev, Ukraine E-mail:
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Received August 9, 2006 Abstract — Corrosion–electrochemical investigations into bimetals are conventionally carried out on samples with the carrying layer preliminarily removed. In this work, the liability of welded joints to HSC without removal of the carrying layer is investigated, which has considerably enhanced the information content of the results. A possibility is demonstrated of the application of ANV-70B electrodes and Sv-07Kh25N13 welding wire, developed at the Paton Electric Welding Institute, in the process of welding in an Ar + O2 gas mixture for repairing equipment manufactured from bimetal equipped with a cladding layer of 08Kh13 steel. It is established that the preliminary heating of the bimetal up to 350°C in the welding process with the application of both ANV-70B electrodes and Sv-07Kh25N13 welding wire enhances the resistance of the metal to hydrogen sulfide corrosion cracking. DOI: 10.1134/S0033173207070041
03/09/2008 | 1237 Hits | Print
Selection of Corrosion Inhibitors for the Protection of Oil Production Equipment R. K. Vagapova, V. S. Bizyaevab, and V. I. Kichiginb a OOO PermNIPIneft’, Perm’, Russia b Perm’ State University, Perm’, Russia E-mail:
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Received September 20, 2005 Abstract — The corrosion behavior of steel in a hydrogen-sulfide medium is studied in model solutions simulating stratal water in some oil fields located in Perm’ oblast. A comparative analysis of the corrosion inhibitors used in the oil fields is presented. Some inhibitors are found to have a significant residual effect. DOI: 10.1134/S0033173207070053
03/09/2008 | 1147 Hits | Print
On the Passivation of Iron in Aqueous Solutions of Zinc 1-Hydroxyethane-1,1-Diphosphonate Yu. I. Kuznetsov, G. V. Zinchenko, L. P. Kazanskii, N. P. Andreeva, and Yu. B. Makarychev Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow E-mail:
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Received June 15, 2006 Abstract — This work is devoted to studying the passivating ability of the zinc complex of the 1-hydroxyethane-1,1-diphosphonic acid (HEDP) in a borate buffer solution. For the first time, we used the in situ ellipsometric method to study the mechanism of formation of a protective film on iron in the presence of HEDP, HEDPZn, and ZnSO4 in the course of the cathodic polarization of the electrode. The investigations of adsorption of HEDPZn on iron (at E = –0.65 V) in combination with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) have shown that on the metal surface there is formed a multilayer protective film consisting of an internal layer of Zn(OH)2 and an outer layer consisting of HEDP complexes with Fe2+ and/or Zn2+. It has been found that the thickness of the passi-vating film does not exceed 60 Å, of which 7–10 Å correspond to the low-soluble zinc hydroxide. DOI: 10.1134/S0033173207070065
03/09/2008 | 1163 Hits | Print
Effect of Benzimidazoles and Potassium Oleates on the Dissolution of Some FeZn Alloys in a Borate Buffer V. V. Ekilik, V. V. Chernyavina, and G. N. Ekilik Rostov State University, Rostov-on-Don E-mail:
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Received May 4, 2006 Abstract — Anodic dissolution of intermetallic compounds in a borate buffer solution has been studied in comparison with pure metals. Effects of azoles and potassium oleate on the total process and its stages have been determined with allowance for the addition concentrations and time. DOI: 10.1134/S0033173207070077
03/09/2008 | 1152 Hits | Print
Comparative Tests of Corrosion Reinforcement Inhibitors in Reinforced-Concrete Specimens Based on Electrochemical Measurements I. A. Gedvillo and A. S. Zhmakina Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia E-mail:
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Received June 14, 2006 Abstract — The possibility of reducing the time required for testing corrosion inhibitors for reinforced-concrete specimens is considered. The constant supply of water to the specimens with the addition of no less than 3% chloride ion to concrete and constant-anode polarization with a low-power source are shown to ensure the accelerated transition of the reinforcement elements from a passive state to active dissolution. Under the conditions of such dissolution, the efficiency of IFKh-90 and MCI 2020 inhibiting additives to concrete is assessed. DOI: 10.1134/S0033173207070089
03/09/2008 | 1146 Hits | Print
Charge Transfer at the Antiscale Composite LayerElectrolyte Interface S. V. Gnedenkov, S. L. Sinebryukhov, D. V. Mashtalyar, V. S. Egorkin, A. K. Tsvetnikov, and A. N. Minaev Institute of Chemistry, Far Eastern Division, Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok, Russia E-mail:
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Received December 15, 2006 Abstract — Properties of composite coatings based on oxide layers formed on a titanium surface using the plasmic electrolytic oxidation method and processed using Forum® superdispersed polytetrafluorinethylene were investigated. A combination of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, differential thermal analysis, and thermal gravimetry methods allowed one to establish the change of the surface state as a result of heating that determines the charge transfer mechanism at the heterostructure–electrolyte phase interface and the difference in the thermodynamic stability of the temperature fractions of the employed polymer. DOI: 10.1134/S0033173207070090
03/09/2008 | 1155 Hits | Print
The Effects of Temperature on the Chemical Oxidation of AMg-3 Alloy in Molybdate-Containing Solutions S. V. Oleinik, E. M. Malygina, and Yu. M. Zimina Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninskii pr. 31, Moscow, 119991 Russia E-mail:
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Received September 27, 2006 Abstract — It is shown that protective conversion coatings (CC), which are resistive to pitting corrosion and chloride-containing media, are formed on an AMg-3 alloy in molybdate-containing solutions within a temperature range from 60 to 80°C. The dependence of the composition and the thickness of the CC film on the oxidation temperature are established. The effects of the complexone added to the IFKhANAL-1 conversion solution on the composition, thickness, and the protective properties of CC, as well as the role of the complexone, in the film-formation processes are studied. DOI: 10.1134/S0033173207070107
03/09/2008 | 1294 Hits | Print