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(11/10) Ученые из ИФХЭ РАН и МГУ под руководством Ольги Виноградовой поняли, как «полосатая» гидрофобность..
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(11/10) Ученые обнаружили пути проникновения вирусов гриппа и ВИЧ в организм
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(17/04) Курс “Анализ геномных данных”, Москва, 2 – 11 июля 2012
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(12/03) Впервые получено изображение атомов, движущихся в молекуле
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Results 11 - 15 of 15

On Inhibiting the Iron Anodic Dissolution in Acid Sulfate Electrolyte by Tetrabutylammonium Cations

A. I. Marshakov, T. A. Nenasheva, A. A. Rybkina, and M. A. Maleeva


Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Leninskii pr. 31, Moscow, 119991 Russia
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Received November 8, 2005


Abstract — The surface coverage with atomic hydrogen (frame0) is calculated for iron electrode as a function of the number of adsorbed tetrabutylammonium cations and hydrogen concentration in the metal phase (Cframe1). It is shown that the effect of the organic inhibitor of acid corrosion on the rate of iron potentiostatic dissolution is due to the increase in the frame2/Cframe3


PACS numbers: 81.65.Kn; 81.65.Rv; 82.45.Bb

DOI: 10.1134/S0033173207010110
12/09/2008 | 895 Hits | Print


Comparative Tests of Corrosion Inhibitors in Simulated Media of the Samaraneftegaz Oil Fields

L. S. Moiseevaa and A. E. Aisinb


a OOO Tsentr Issledovanii i Razrabotok, Russia

b Tsiolkovskii Russian State Technical University “MATI,” Leninskii pr. 55/1, building 2, Moscow, 119333 Russia

E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Received June 24, 2005


Abstract — Corrosion inhibitors were tested in model media simulating the oil fields of the OAO Samaranefte-gaz (mineralized water and water separated from a water–hydrocarbon emulsion by settling). Their protective effects were estimated for different concentrations. The test inhibitors were found to be promising for use in the system protecting oil-field pipelines of the OAO Samaraneftegaz to ensure their safe operation.


PACS numbers: 81.65.Kn; 82.45.Bb

DOI: 10.1134/S0033173207010122
12/09/2008 | 995 Hits | Print


Corrosion Inhibitors of the SNPKh Brand.
2. The P,N-Containing Corrosion Inhibitor for Protection of Oil-Field Equipment

 O. V. Ugryumova, O. A. Varnavskayaa, V. N. Khlebnikova, V. A. Ivanova, S. I. Vasyukova, G. V. Romanova, Ya. V. Ivshinb, R. A. Kaidrikovb, Kh. E. Kharlampidib, and F. Sh. Shakirovc


aOAO Research Institute of Oil-Field Chemistry (NIIneftepromkhim), ul. N. Ershova 29, Kazan, 420045 Russia

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bKazan State Technological University, ul. Karla Marksa 68, Kazan, 420015 Tatarstan, Russia

c TatNIPIneft’, Bugulma, Russia

Received September 6, 2005


Abstract — Series of functionalized pyridinium alkyl[poly(oxyethylene)] phosphites, isoquinolinium alkyl[poly(oxyethylene)] phosphites, pyridinium aryl[poly(oxyethylene)] phosphites, and isoquinolinium aryl[poly(oxyethylene)] phosphites were obtained and their properties were studied systematically. Some of them were found to be effective corrosion inhibitors in aqueous CO2- and H2S-containing media. Isoquinolinium dodecyl- and dodecylphenyl[dodeca(oxyethylene)] phosphites proved to be the best inhibitors. The iso-quinolinium aryl[poly(oxyethylene)] phosphites obtained were used to create a new corrosion inhibitor.


PACS numbers: 81.65.Kn; 82.45.Bb; 89.60.Ec

DOI: 10.1134/S0033173207010134
12/09/2008 | 976 Hits | Print


Suppressing Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria, as well as Hydrogen Diffusion through Steel, by Inhibitors of AMDOR IC Type

V. I. Vigdorovichb, M. V. Vigdorovicha, A. V. Ryazanovb, and A. N. Zavershinskiib


a Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Leninskii pr. 31, Moscow, 119071 Russia

b Derzhavin State University, Tambov, ul. Internatsional’naya 33, 392622 Russia
E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Received May 20, 2004


Abstract — Suppressing both the vital activity of sulfate-reducing bacteria and hydrogen diffusion through a steel membrane by AMDOR IC inhibitors is studied at a free-corrosion potential, as well as cathodic and anodic polarization, of the membrane working surface.


PACS numbers: 81.65.Kn

DOI: 10.1134/S0033173207010146
12/09/2008 | 952 Hits | Print


On the Effectiveness of Coatings Obtained from Film-Forming Polymers Containing Inhibitive Functional Groups

V. I. Zavrazhina and Yu. P. Gladkikh


Shukhov State Technological University, ul. Kostyukova 46, Belgorod, 308012 Russia

E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Received August 19, 2004; in final form, March 27, 2006


Abstract — Experimental data on the influence of the film-forming polymer on the effectiveness of polymeric coatings on metals are discussed. Polystyrene, poly(butyl methacrylate), and copolymers of butyl methacrylate and styrene with 2-vinylpyridine (BMAVP and SVP) were used as film-forming polymers for the coatings. The correlation between the composition of the film-forming polymers, the properties of the coatings (adhesion and permeability), the coating functions (metal corrosion under the coatings), and the coating inhibition factor was studied. A criterion for the latter was proposed. According to the data obtained, the inhibited coatings prepared from the copolymers BMAVP-5, SVP-5, and SVP-10 (containing 5 and 10% VP) were most effective.


PACS numbers: 81.65.Kn

DOI: 10.1134/S0033173207010158
12/09/2008 | 956 Hits | Print

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